American World War II Heritage City

Local Legacies

Day’s Pay

Every employee at the Hanford Engineer Works donated one day’s pay to purchase the airplane, a B-17 bomber, as their…

Spudnut Shop

A local legend, The Spudnut Shop in Richland's Uptown Shopping Center has stood the test of time. Opened in 1948…

Richland Players

The isolated nature secret city life during World War II was curbed by entertainment provided by The Richland Players, a…

C.C. Anderson’s Department Store

During the Manhattan Project, architect Gustav Pehrson transformed the pre-war farming community of Richland into a compact, walkable city that…

Morning Start Baptist Church

Morning Star Baptist Church was the literal and figurative center of East Pasco’s African American community. Reverend Johnnie Steward founded…

Kurtzman Park

Separated from the rest of Pasco by railroad tracks, East Pasco lacked many city services, including a city park. In…

Leslie Groves Park

This park honors General Leslie R. Groves, the US Army officer in charge of the Manhattan Project. It was Groves…

Rodney Block Park

The Army Corps of Engineers hired Gustav Pehrson, an architect from Spokane, to design and develop Richland. His plan included…

Gress’s Meat Market

Built in 1915, this unassuming brick building anchored the community that changed around it. George Gress built and operated Gress’s…

Lewis Street Underpass

Designed by the Northern Pacific Railway, the Lewis Street Underpass was constructed along a main east-west arterial through downtown Pasco…

Atomic Frontier Days

A local festival held by the residents of Richland, celebrating the unique culture of this "Atomic Town".

Dyer Building

The Dyer Building became Richland’s first library and was an important community center for new residents. Formal and informal arts…